Monday, May 18, 2015

A Snapshot

Since last summer I have reflected everything I learned and the experiences I was blessed enough to live out. To say my life has slowed down any would be a complete lie, but being a young college student I do not know why I expected anything different. I could spend hours in details the highs and lows of the past year, semester, etc. , but all of it can be summed up quickly by saying nothing including stress has killed me yet so I am doing great.

Social media, blogging ,etc. has become such a fascinating phenomenon in this generation. Most people outside of your close knit of family/friends now know only the "snapshots" you choose to share. This summer I plan on blogging again for a bit more of an insight of my life for those interested, but also for the pure sake of my own chance to reflect later.

Tomorrow starts my adventure as I head to Prague and Zurich with Texas A&M-Commerce for a 10 day learning experience. Prayers and warm wishes always appreciated!

*insight to the snapshot: Here I have arranged the items closest to me for the sake of a cute post. Surrounding items not pictured include my purse sprawled out all over the table, along with folded laundry, and dirty lunch dishes. Gotta love last packing day crazy.

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