Saturday, May 23, 2015

Prague Day 3

Yesterday we had every intention to continue our adventure in Prague today bright and early but our bodies thought differently when we all woke up completely sore. Today turned into one of my favorite days as we wandered around the streets of Prague and sat in restaurants and cafés just absorbing the atmosphere. Walking through the streets of Prague I found an local sketch artist I was extremely excited to get a beautiful sketch of Prague. We wandered back up the hill to Prague Castle and the gardens to get more scenic views and out of all things we found a Starbucks right at the top of the garden. Why by local amazing espresso for a good price when you can buy overpriced Starbucks (completely sarcasm). We spent the evening wandering the Jewish quarter with a local guide who filled some of the gaps from yesterday's tours. The Jewish quarters which is was used to be the slum of the city now is lined with the worlds highest end designers and the most expensive housing in Prague. Prague's architecture is simply fascinating building dating as far back as medieval buildings are intertwined with every variety architecture throughout time. The streets are narrow and everything is built extremely close to each other and built up. All of the streets used to be 6 or more feet lower but due to flooding the streets were built in higher and floors that use to be street level became basements. In Prague there is a constant alley like feel except for the few squares and the area near the river. Tomorrow is our last day to check a few more things off our to do list in Prague before continuing this adventure in Zürich! 
Emily and I enjoying some lunch. 

View from castle hill. 
Charles Bridge at sunset.

Old-new synagogue. The oldest active synagogue in Europe. 

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