Friday, June 13, 2014

Italy Day 2

Today was another day in Italy we woke up to an amazing breakfast by probably the nicest waitstaff in Rome. Then we headed out to the Colosseum for our tour. The tour guide talked mostly about the gladiators and how the emperor decided their fate just by the hand signal he gave. We also learned about the old appearance of the Colosseum vs what is there today. There were three teirs of arches with a tier of pillars on top. Each arch use to have a statue inside. Like in modern day stadiums the richest sat closest to the action in the front and the poor sat farther back. The stadium at its peak is thought to have held 35,000 people. The brick used to have metal built into the wall for stucture but it was taken out and scraped into something else, but the structure has still stood for for nearly 2000 years. The Colosseum was originally a white ish stone but over time the polition of the city has turned it to the tan/brown/black that can be seen today. This evening we went to Ristorante f.lli Crisciotti another restaurant right around the corner of our hotel. Once again the friendlist people ever. They specially made fettuccine so we could try their alfredo sauce which is really different from the American randition. The sauce is much thinner and more butter base if that makes any sense. After dinner we headed up to the hotel terrace were we had an amazing view of the sunset. Now we are relaxing eating some gelato watching Spain get killed by the Netherlands in some World Cup soccer. Which is much bigger of a deal here. There are people from all over the world at our hotel who love to try to convince us who to cheer for. Tomorrow is another exciting day, we even have a pizza making class in the evening! 

Cross in the Coloseum as a tribute to the end of the gladiator era. Every Good Friday there is a procession through the Colosseum in rememberance. 

Colosseum interior. 

This might be my favorite picture from the whole trip. 

Just having one of many goofy moments. 

Sunset setting on another amazing day. 

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