Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Travel Day

After a morning of dragging our luggage around London we finally made it to the airport. London airport has a unique way of not telling you where your flight is until 30 minute before your flight boards. Which causes a quick dash across the airport for your flight, but it was quite fun considering I was in FaceTime conversation with Nathan at the same time. Our flight was a quick two hour flight right into Rome. When we arrived I could easily tell a nice change of pace. The escalators were slower, the people were more chill which is amazing compared to the crazy past days in London. On our drive to the hotel we got our first experience of Italy driving. If you think Texas driving is crazy you haven't seen anything yet. We ended up following the trolley car path then running over a median where other cars were parked then somehow got a quick view of the Colosseum before arriving at the hotel. Tonight we went to Ristorante L'Europeo which was hands down the best Italian food I have ever had. I had spinach ravioli and tiramisu. The waiter at the restaurant was also super hospitable. Right when we came in he said I know what you want and he gave us the wifi password. Then he taught us some Italian throughout dinner. After dinner walking back to our hotel we met an Irish couple who was celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. The husband had traveled all over the south US and even knew a lot about Texas. He said Texas was his favorite place he visited in the US so we all immediately got along splendidly. Then we headed back to the hotel to go to the terrace patio on the roof which hands down is the cutest place we have been to. Is has a flowers everywhere and a great view of the city. Tomorrow we head off to the Vatican until then arrivederci! 
Jennie,Emma and I all on the plane together.

Flying over the mountains!
Genuinely happy about getting some itallian food for dinner. 
Tarice on top of the hotel. 

1 comment:

  1. Prepare to have an amazing time; you are in the land of The Travel Gods.
    Enjoy yourselves. R.
